FAQs about Rentals in Krabi

It’s easier to reserve a car rental in krabi with Rentacarkrabi.com you can pick up location to choose from. Getting a car easily from krabi airport or get a car rental delivered to your hotel.

You can even return to other locations, no need to be in the same location. 

There is no cancellation fee if you cancel according to the conditions of car rental companies. It’s the best experience if you book from the car rental with Rentacarkrabi.com 

  1. Passports 2. International Driving License or Driving license translated in English
  2. Money for the deposit when getting a car. cash is acceptable. please see terms and conditions before the booking
  3. Flight tickets
  4. To rent a car in Krabi, drivers should usually be at least 21 years old, although some agencies like National will accept drivers from 20 years and up. An International Driver’s Permit (IDP) is always required, along with a valid domestic driver’s license.
Excess damage is damages or expenses. in the part that the tenant must pay the maximum When an accident occurs in the event that the tenant is at fault or no party If there is no fault in the event of an accident, the rental car will already have first class insurance covered. some car renters Satisfied with car insurance with deductible For some people who may be afraid of the risk In the event that the person renting a car is at fault I often buy additional insurance. to cover Everything, even if the tenant is at fault
If you want to rent a car in Krabi, want to drive to the Emerald Pool, Hot Spring Waterfall, Ao Nang by yourself, the suitable rental car is a rental car with a 1.2 CC engine or higher, such as Yaris, Vios, Mazda2, City, Jazz, Fortuner, etc. to When renting a car, you should choose a car that suits you. travel trip at your Krabi
It is important that you have a money to hold for the deposit when getting a car rental as a collateral. The deposit amount is ranging from 3,000 THB ($100) to make sure you read the terms and conditions in the booking too. Rent a car Krabi companies allow you to deposit as cash. please make sure you filter deposit as cash prior to the booking.

You can drop off rental cars in different locations, not necessary to be the same location. Car rental companies may have drop off fees if renting period is not up to their terms and conditions. The popular route is you can rent from Krabi Airport and return the car rental at Phuket airport you can rent from Phuket Airport and return to Krabi Airport as well.

You can check the best price from the website and the monthly car rental in Krabi ranging from ecocar to large cars. the more you rent, the cheaper price of car rental will be. the car rental price you see is what you pay.

An international driving license is accepted as long as it is valid, but a foreign license is not accepted in Thailand. If you are a resident and eligible, you should obtain a Thai Driver’s License.

It’s more expensive, but there’s more to see and do. Krabi is best for a quieter and more relaxing holiday. It suits couples and backpackers who want picture-perfect beaches that are not over-crowded.

A step-by-step instructions on what to do after a car accident.

Steps to follow after a car accident to keep everyone involved safe. And the claim process is simple and straightforward.

1.Stop, you should never drive away from the scene of an accident, even if it’s a minor one.

2.Call the police, even if there are no serious injuries, it is a good idea to contact the authorities. to contact the staff Even if it’s just a claim for damage to your car. You may need a police report to file a claim with your insurance company. Unless they are obstructing traffic

  1. Make an accurate record & take pictures, when the police arrive, make sure you tell the investigating officer(s) exactly what happened, to the best of your ability. If you do not know certain facts, you should always take pictures of the vehicles any visible body injuries.
  2. If the police have not yet arrived at the scene of the accident, you should obtain the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all parties involved.

5.report an accident You should notify your insurance company as soon as possible. Many policies require immediate provisions. Please check if your insurance policy covers medical treatment.